5-й Международный фотоконкурс "Мама и дети в национальных костюмах" проходит под эгидой Комиссии Российской Федерации по делам ЮНЕСКО.
Комиссии Российской Федерации по делам ЮНЕСКО
5-й Международный фотоконкурс "Мама и дети в национальных костюмах" проходит при поддержке Федерального агентства по делам национальностей России.
Федеральное агентство по делам национальностей России


Important information

If you decide to register, keep in mind - after registration, you need to FILL out your account in FULL according to the instructions - Instructions! Only after filling out the application for participation can be considered accepted.
The main participants of the photo shoot are MOM AND KIDS, but other family members can also take part in the photo shoot!
In case of non-compliance with the requirements of the contest, the account will be deleted!

Instruction manual: How to register...

By registering on the website, you give your consent to the processing of personal data, in accordance with Federal Law No. 152-FZ of 27.07.2006 "On Personal Data".
Your data (email and phone number) will not be transferred to third parties!
By taking part in the contest, you consent to the conditions prescribed in the CONTEST REGULATIONS http://www.ethno-photo.com/?page_id=78.
By participating in this contest, you assume responsibility for the observance of copyright and related rights.